西班牙&E致力于通过我们的企业捐赠计划投资创新项目和计划. 西班牙&E支持圣地亚哥和南奥兰治县的数百个社区非营利组织并与之合作,以便:
- 通过环境教育支持今天和明天的环境卫士, 社区参与, and stewardship in underserved communities
- 支持公共安全, prepare communities for emergencies, and strengthen the capacity of emergency responders
- 在我们的社区中激励和培养下一代多样化的STEM领导者.
西班牙&E gives preferential consideration to:
- 项目, rather than one-time events
- 可持续发展目标中的项目&E的主动捐赠领域
- 项目 that help diverse underserved populations, 残疾人士, 低收入家庭
- 可持续发展目标中的项目&E service area (San Diego County and south Orange County)
- 个人
- Private foundations, endowment funds, or for-profit organizations
- Groups that practice discrimination based on age, 性别, 性取向, 性别认同, 婚姻状况, physical or mental disabilities, 比赛, color, 宗教, 国家的起源, 或祖先
- Sectarian or denominational religious groups, except for programs that are broadly promoted, 任何人都可以使用, and free from religious orientation
- Political parties, candidates, or partisan-political groups
- 奖学金项目
- Capital-improvements, capital equipment, or building funds
- Sporting teams and sporting events
- 项目 primarily focused on the arts and humanities
- 受益人不在圣地亚哥县和南奥兰治县的项目
- Post-secondary institutions of higher learning
- Individual schools, individual school foundations, or school districts
- 与计划或项目的执行无关的一般运营费用
- 与项目执行没有直接关系和必要的差旅费
- 贷款或贷款担保
- Debt reduction or past operating deficits
- 组织的清算
- Reducing or donating the cost of any natural gas or electrical service.
To apply for funding, please email our 社区关系小组 with a brief description of your program or project.
Frequently Asked Questions for Online Application Submission
- Internet Explorer®10
- Internet Explorer®9
- Internet Explorer®8
- Mozilla® Firefox® (for PC and Mac)
- Safari®(PC和Mac)
- 谷歌Chrome
Use the link that is provided to you by the Manager of the Initiative.
在线应用程序在您的计算机上放置一个cookie,以启用“保存并稍后完成”功能. 如果您收到错误信息,请查看您的互联网浏览器的用户手册以启用cookies.
First time applicants must create a user name and password, 他们每次登录网上申请系统时将使用哪一个.
You will need the username and password of the applicant’s organization. 如果该组织过去申请过,应该有人知道这些信息. If not, be prepared to create a username and password. 您可能希望将其写下来,以便组织中的其他人可以查看过去的应用程序
Enter the applying organization’s non-profit (e.g. tax id #12-3456789 with or without the dash). If you do not have a valid non-profit tax id number, 但要有一个有效的非营利组织,并同意成为你的受托人或财务代理人, following the instructions below:
- Enter the applying organization’s tax id number and address, if it is a fiduciary or fiscal agent, use their tax id number and address;
- Enter the applying organization’s name;
- Enter the legal name of the applying organization, if it is a fiduciary or fiscal agent, 使用其法定名称;
Use the address that is on file with the IRS. 如果您已经搬家,并且与本组织相关的当前地址尚未通过国税局更新, 使用组织网站上的地址或其邮政信箱的邮寄地址(不要使用家庭地址)。.
不,您可以启动应用程序,并选择保存并在以后完成它. 只需点击位于每个应用程序页面底部的“保存并稍后完成”按钮.
If you would like to save the in progress application, scroll down to the bottom of the page and choose the "Save & “稍后完成”按钮. 选择“审查” & “提交”按钮将提交申请到圣地亚哥天然气和电力公司进行审查,将不再可用于编辑.
当申请人第一次登录时,使用使用的电子邮件和密码信息自动创建帐户. 申请人将收到一封自动确认电子邮件,提供一个链接,用于返回正在保存的申请和他们的“我的帐户”页面. 将此链接添加到您的收藏夹,以便轻松访问或返回圣地亚哥天然气 & 电子网站,并点击提供的链接,以访问正在进行的应用程序.
Once the application is completed online, click the "Review & 申请最后一页底部的“提交”按钮提交您的申请. 一旦你的申请被提交,一封确认邮件将发送给你.
请添加 (电子邮件保护) 到您的电子邮件地址簿,以确保这些邮件到达您的收件箱.
Once an application is submitted via clicking the Submit button, 应用程序不再可以编辑,因为它已经转移到系统中开始审查过程.
If you are still unsuccessful with accessing your account, please contact the system administrator at (电子邮件保护).
如果您没有按“保存。 & 稍后完成”或“回顾” & Submit" button upon leaving the application, your work was not saved and you will need to start a new application.
如果您登录到正在进行的应用程序,并看到一个空白页, 您没有选择“保存” & “稍后完成”按钮,然后退出程序,您的工作没有保存. You will need to start a new application.
请检查您使用的电子邮件地址是否与您最初登录和创建帐户时使用的电子邮件地址不同, or if the address is either misspelled or a different address.
For additional technical support with your application, contact (电子邮件保护).